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Protect yourself from Obamacare scams: Financial expert John Amatulli

CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) –


The health insurance marketplace goes live on Oct. 1, 2013. Financial expert John Amatulli explains how you can avoid letting scammers take advantage the unveiling of Obamacare.

Amatulli says scammers capitalize on the confusion by contacting consumers over the phone, by fax, via email and even in person.

They’re using phrases like “it is the law” or “the government now requires it” to get people to hand over their bank account information and social security numbers. Scammers are also asking victims to make direct cash transfers in the name of the Affordable Care Act.


  • Fake Insurance Cards
  • New Medicare Cards
  • Fee for Advice
  • Fake Health Insurance Plans
  • Fake Medical Discount Plans



Stay informed.
Don’t talk money over the phone or email.
Be careful of fake websites made to look like the official insurance exchange websites.
Ask for credentials.
If you’ve been the victim of a scam, report it!